Seminar:A Comparative study of Taiwanese and Chinese infant spirit worshipping: A Change in Family Structure and Regrouping of Religious Ceremonies
Masters Program Yunshui Residential College Lecture Certification

(#)Final Speech
Seminar:A Comparative study of Taiwanese and Chinese infant spirit worshipping: A Change in Family Structure and Regrouping of Religious Ceremonies
Masters Program Yunshui Residential College Lecture Certification

▶Speaker: Professor Chen Hsuan-yu (Otani University Shinshu Graduate School – Tokyo Branch Postdoc Researcher)
▶Time: December 28, 2023 (Thursday)  13:30-15:30
▶Location: Classroom N117
▶live link:
▶ID: 841 4979 1478
▶Password: 1234
▶Sponsor: Center for Buddhist Studies
▶Contact Information: 03-9871000#12812
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