Fo Guang University

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Buildings and Organizations


建築物名稱 英文名稱
光雲館 Guang Yun Building
雲起樓 Yun Qi Building
雲來集 Yun Lai Dormitory
雲五館 Yun Wu Library
德香樓 De Xiang Building
香雲居 Xiang Yun Dormitory
懷恩館 Huai En Stadium
海雲樓 Hai Yun Building
戶外活動場 Outdoor Sports Arena
停車場 Parking Area
十六亭橋 Sixteen Pavilion Bridge
曼陀羅滴水坊 Mandala Water Drop Teahouse
雲慧樓 Yun Hui Building
雲水軒 Yun Shui Building
海淨樓 Hai Jing Building
百萬人興學紀念館 Fo Guang Shan Million-Member Fundraising Campaign Memorial Hall
林美寮 Lin-Mei Student Dormitory
蘭苑 Lan-Yuan Student Dormitory


中文名稱 英文名稱
人文學院 College of Humanities
中國文學與應用學系 Department of Chinese Literature and Application
歷史學系 Department of History
外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures
宗教學研究所 Graduate Institute of Religious Studies
社會科學學院 College of Social Sciences
社會學暨社會工作學系 Department of Sociology and Social Work
心理學系 Department of Psychology
公共事務學系 Department of Public Affairs
管理學院 College of Management
管理學系 Department of Management
應用經濟學系 Department of Applied Economics
創意與科技學院 College of Creativity and Technology
文化資產與創意學系 Department of Cultural Assets and Reinvention
傳播學系 Department of Communication
產品與媒體設計學系 Department of Product and Media Design
資訊應用學系 Department of Applied Informatics
樂活產業學院 College of Lohas Industries
健康與創意蔬食產業學系 Department of Health and Creative Vegetarian Science
未來與樂活產業學系 Department of Future Studies and LOHAS Industry
佛教學院 College of Buddhist Studies
佛教學系 Department of Buddhist Studies
通識教育委員會 Commission of General Education
通識教育中心 General Education Center
語文教育中心 Language Education Center
圍棋發展中心 Go Development Center
體育中心 Physical Education Center
雲水書院 Water Cloud Residential College
林美書院 Linmei Residential College
雲來書院 Yunlai Residential College
海雲書院 Haiyun Residential College
蘭苑書院 Lanyuan Residential College


中文名稱 英文名稱
校長室 Office of President’s
南向辦公室 Southbound Policy Office
副校長室 Office of Vice President’s
秘書室 Secretariat
行政管理組 Administration Management Division
公共關係組 Public Relations Division
教務處 Office of Academic Affairs
註冊與課務組 Registration and Curriculum Division
教師專業發展中心 Faculty Professional Development Center
學生學習與生涯發展中心 Student Learning and Career Development Center
學生事務處 Office of Student Affairs
生活輔導組 Student Assistance Division
課外活動組 Extracurricular Activities Division
身心健康中心 Physical and Mental Health Center
總務處 Office of General Affairs
事務組 General Services Division
環安與營繕組 Environmental Safety and Facility Services
招生事務處 Admission Office
招生事務組 Recruitment and Admissions Division
招生活動組 Recruitment Activities Division
研究發展處 Office of Research and Development
校務研究暨計畫組 Institutional Research and Development Division
產學與育成中心 Industry Collaboration and Incubation Center
推廣教育中心 Extension Education Center
興學會館 Million Education Sponsors Memorial Hall
國際暨兩岸事務處 Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
國際合作與交流中心 International Cooperation and Exchange Division
兩岸合作與交流中心 Cross-Strait Cooperation and Exchange Division
華語教學中心 Chinese Language Instruction Center
圖書暨資訊處 Office of Library and Information
圖書管理暨服務組 Library Collection Management and Services Division
校務資訊組 Administrative Information Systems Division
網路暨學習科技組 Network and Learning Technology Division
人事室 Personnel Office
會計室 Accounting Office
預算組 Budgeting Division
會計組 Accounting Division
校務研究辦公室 Office of Institutional Research
佛教研究中心 Center for Buddhist Studies