【Event Announcement】The Feminine Divine in Taiwan: A Workshop on Religious Studies Fieldwork

[Event Announcement] The Feminine Divine in Taiwan: A Workshop on Religious Studies Fieldwork

CBS@FGU is jointly organizing a two-day workshop (April 28-29) with the National Cheng-chi University (NCCU) Center for Chinese Religious Studies.  For the first day, we have invited several domestic experts on Buddhism, Taoism, folk religion, and Christian studies, for lectures and discussions on female divinity worship in southern China.  On the second day of the workshop, the students will conduct visits to various temples in Yilan County for a cursory exposure to religious studies fieldwork.

The field trip on April 29 is open only to students and faculty of the Dept. of Buddhist Studies (register here!), but the lecture program on April 28 are open to interested students and faculty at the university (no registration required).

Outside guests wishing to participate in the program on April 28 shoulg sign up here, at least four days before the event. Thank you.  If you have any other questions, please contact us!
Contact: cbs@gm.fgu.edu.tw 03-9871000#12812

This event is jointly organized by CBS@FGU and the NCCU Center for Chinese Religious Studies; student participation expenses are partially subsidized by the Yunshui Academy.

For more information about the event, refer to the poster below.

