"Return Home - Beyond the Heart" B.A. Students' Graduation Exhibition


Grand Master Hsin Yun once said: "In this world, material family alone is not enough. We also need a spiritual home of faith in the heart, where everyone can find their true nature."

Through works and papers, DBS students showcase worldly spiritual faith and remembrance, further embodying the concept of not departing from worldly dharma.

Using symbols of temples or treasures in scriptures, they present through games, painting, flower arranging, and tea Zen, imbuing each work with the meaning of "home." The entire process is like tracing roots, holding the concept of returning home, finding the true "home" in our hearts, and completing the Buddhist world.

🌱 Exhibition Duration: 5/1 (Wed) to 5/9 (Thu) ❶ Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00 ❷ Saturday to Sunday 9:00-15:00

🫰 Exhibition Venue: 1st Floor, Yungwu Hall, Fo Guang University General Education Salon Area

You are warmly welcomed to follow us and board the ship of Prajna to return "home" and seek the "other shore" in our hearts. ❤️

All students of the class 109 of the Department of Buddhist Studies cordially invite you to attend.
