Fo Guang University

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Psychology 【Congratulations】Warm congratulations to Zhang Fang-Zhi for receiving the domestic graduate student grant to attend the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society! FGU_Honor
Psychology 【Congratulations】Warm congratulations to Pan Jing-Yi for receiving the domestic graduate student grant to attend the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society! FGU_Honor
Psychology 【Lecture】The Psychology in Board Games / Outstanding Alumnus - Yang Chao-Rui FGU_Activity
Psychology 【Congratulations】A big congratulations to Ou Ruwen for successfully becoming a certified Clinical Psychologist!  FGU_Honor
Psychology 【Congratulations】A big congratulations to Hu Xinyu for successfully passing the Clinical Psychologist certification exam!  FGU_Honor
Psychology 【Congratulations】A huge congratulations to Wu Binghuang for successfully passing the Clinical Psychologist certification exam!  FGU_Honor
Psychology 【Congratulations】A big congratulations to Wu Hongwei for successfully passing the Clinical Psychologist certification exam!  FGU_Honor
Psychology 【Congratulations】Kudos to the students for receiving the 111-2 Academic Excellence Award and Outstanding Student Scholarship! FGU_Honor
International Affairs 2023 Happy Dragon Boat Festival FGU_Activity
Buddhist Studies 【越南佛教文獻讀書會4】越南《法華經》歷史與思想 FGU_Activity