Second Forum on Taiwan Buddhism - International Conference on Transnational Movement of Taiwan Buddhism

  Locating in the East Asian seas, Taiwan has long been a connecting hub and transiting spot for travellers across regions of the Asian continent. A melting pot, Taiwan is where different peoples, cultures and religions meet. Through migration, trade and geopolitical exchanges, various religions and beliefs meet, integrate, root and transform here. As the result of these diverse sources of cross-regional transmission and networking, Taiwan Buddhism exhibits multifarious expressions.

The theme of this conference is “Transnational Movement of Taiwan Buddhism”. We hope to invite scholars from different countries to share their studies such as the outflowing, counterflowing, inflowing, or transnational networking of Taiwan Buddhism. Through this conference, we wish to deepen our understanding of Taiwan Buddhism in the transnational context.


報 到 時 間:2023 年 11 月 3 日上午 9:00 ~9:30
會 議 時 間:2023 年 11 月 3 日至 4 日
會 議 地 點:宜蘭縣礁溪鄉林美村林尾路 160 號佛光大學雲水軒 109 講堂
報 名 資 格:國內大專院校師生以及喜愛佛學之社會人士
報 名 截 止:2023 年 10 月 11 日(三)
報 名 名 額:觀察員開放人數為 80 名,提供會議期間午、晚餐,住宿須自理,有住宿需求者可參考本校「百萬興學會館」洽詢訂房。

 Meeting time: 2023 November 3-4
Location: Yunshui Building 109 Lecture Hall
Deadline: 2023 October 11 (Wed)
Contact:   /   03-9871000#12812這是一張圖片
