Spring 2023 English Language Teaching Assistant (ELTA) Program

Spring 2023 English Language Teaching Assistant (ELTA) Program

ELTA 2023 Spring Application Notice 
The deadline of application is approaching

Are you looking for a part-time job? Do you enjoy working with children and teenagers? Want to know more about Taiwan? If so, we would love to invite you to join us!

English Language Teaching Assistant (ELTA) program was founded in 2021 and has been sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan). The goal of this program is to offer Taiwanese students the chance to learn English and improve their English language skills in an enriched and immersive environment by recruiting part-time foreign English Language Teaching Assistant.

English Language Teaching Assistant (ELTAs) will collaborate with teachers in elementary and junior high schools and advisors in local English Resources Centers to provide a variety of teaching activities to Taiwanese students. Possible roles are as follows:

English Summer/Winter Camp Leader
Thematic Lesson Teaching Assistant
English Conversation Partner
English Competition Trainer
Club Activity Leader

 APPLICATION DEADLINE: 18th November 2022, 23:59 (Friday)
 APPLICATION LINK:  Join Us! - Join ELTA - ELTA Program

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact us at elta.nc2022@gmail.com
ELTA Official Website: https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/en/elta/web/home
ELTA Facebook Fanspage: fb.me/ELTA.NorthCenter
ELTA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elta_north_center/
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