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Department of Cultural Assets and Reinvention
The field of Cultural Assets and Reinvention sustains tradition while impelling cultural renaissance; and is considered by all specialists to be a key for the next wave of economic prosperity. The subject matter of this department involves both tangible and intangible cultural assets in archaeology and everyday life. Current international academic thinking and cultural policies indicate strong demand for specialized personnel to develop both asset types. This is the only academic department in all of Taiwan that can provide the full range of training required for such personnel in these two areas. It offers courses designed in light of international trends and needs that cultivate well-rounded talent for research and the management of cultural assets.The curriculum is specially designed to stress cultivation of diverse capabilities, with equal emphasis on theory and practice. In addition to in-class instruction, numerous off-campus internship studies of various sorts are arranged to cultivate the professional talents of critical thinking and practical know-how. A consistent line of undergraduate and Master’s-level graduate courses is offered. Undergraduates with excellent academic records may elect graduate-level courses during their senior year for early planning of their professional futures.
Classes in this department emphasize diversified training in both theory and practice. Accordingly, the prospects of departmental graduates are wide-ranging, from continued graduate-level study in the field or becoming civil servants ( at various levels of government and cultural agencies, museums, schools and community educational institutions, etc.), community revitalization (local cultural and social research, management of cultural assets, etc.), or cultural industries (design, planning, marketing and management in the dining, clothing, industrial arts, cultural tourism, publishing, and media fields).

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