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  • 2016-12-23
  • 佛光大學
 (佛教學系/報導)由佛光大學佛教學系主辦之首屆「佛教研究碩博士生國際學術研討會」, 1217日在佛教學系碩士班英文組導師慧峰法師及全體同學的努力下,於佛大雲水軒隆重開幕。
 本次研討會有9位來自世界各地的碩、博士生發表論文,包括香港大學的Amrita Nanda、釋延政,臺灣大學王美瑤,政治大學梁陳安、吳芝瑩,臺灣師範大學的Duncan Deaeth以及佛光大學釋見心、楊澤君和Gediminas Giedraitis,他們分別來自台灣、中國、馬來西亞、美國、孟加拉、立陶宛以及澳洲等七個國家。
此次會議以佛教研究為主軸,全程以英文進行,結合宗教、哲學及相關學科研究議題,目的在為國內外碩、博士生提供論文發表及學術交流之平台。會中特別邀請國立政治大學哲學系林鎮國教授於開場主題演講,並由佛光大學佛教學系黃繹勳教授、郭瑞教授(Eric Goodell)、鄭維儀教授三位擔任會議主持人。
2016 Fo Guang University Buddhist Studies Graduate Students’ Conference Held
(By SHI Zhirou)
Jiaosi - Dec 17, 2016 - 2016 Fo Guang University Buddhist Studies Graduate Students’ Conference held by the Department of Buddhist Studies on 17 Dec 2016. The conference has invited Prof. Chen-kuo Lin, the Distinguished Professor from Department of Philosophy, National Cheng Chi University as the keynote speaker. There were 3 sessions for 9 presenters from 7 different countries, included Taiwan, Mainland China, Malaysia, United States of America, Bangladesh, Lithuania, and Australia.
"Fo Guang University has been running MA English Track for 10 years since the beginning of the Department of Buddhist Studies. It was for the sake of foster talents and develops next generation of Dharma teachers and propagators to travel to the West and uses English for the dissemination Buddhist teaching. It was the first case to have an English program in Buddhist Studies in Taiwan and the Chinese world," said Prof. Chen I-Bau, The Chairman of Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University during the opening ceremony. "It is the 10th anniversary of MA English track and the first time to host a students' conference. I am glad to have so many young scholars here to participate and hope that this students' conference can continue in the future and be a platform for graduate students of Buddhist studies using English as the media."
Prof. Chen-kuo Lin delivered his keynote speech during the conference and indicated that globalization is the reason to hold a conference in English. Globalization is not a slogan but phenomena and reality. Young scholars are encouraged to write in English to reach the international level. Migration of ideas and face-to-face pluralism are the key features of globalization. In East Asia, globalization did not occur recently but from the Age of Exploration since 16th century. Professor also indicated that people were used to understand Buddhism from their own tradition but never try to understand Buddhism from the eyes of others. Professor also shared some ideas on 'Logic, Scripture, and Hermeneutics in the late 16th Century Chinese Buddhist Philosophy: A Study of Zhengcheng's Critique of the Thesis of No-motion,' during his keynote speech.
In the three sessions, speakers from National Cheng Chi University, National Taiwan University, Fo Guang University, National Taiwan Normal University, The University of Hong Kong shared their research and expertise on a range of topics from Madhyamika, Yogacara, Pali Buddhist literature, Eminent monks to Dunhuang dance.
"This is a conference specifically for graduate students. This is a thesis and research sharing platform, hope that you'll have more discussion among the students," said Venerable Dr. Huifeng from Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University. He also addressed his gratitude in his closing speech to Ven. Master Hsing Yun, Ven. Tzu Hui, Prof. Wan, Dean of the Department of Buddhist Studies for the encouragements they've provided to this conference.
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佛教學系發表學生Gina Yang
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